Black Diamond Casino: New Players Weekly Tournament. Win $200, $100, $50

Black Diamond Casino: New Players Weekly Tournament. Win $200, $100, $50 or 50 free spins.

WIN A TOURNAMENT IN YOUR FIRST WEEK AT BLACK DIAMOND CASINO! Calling all new players to join us for our New Players Weekly Tournament!

Black Diamond Casino online wants you to experience all the benefits and thrills that we have to offer from the very beginning, as well as the chance to win some serious cash, or a host of free spins!

To enter, simply join us and make a first deposit between August 5th – August 11th, or if you made your first deposit between July 29th and August 4th, then start spinning the reels, for your chance to make it into our top 20! You will be awarded 1 point for every €1 wagered on the selected slot games. Our top winner will receive the first prize of €200 cash! Now how is that for a warm welcome!

1st prize – $200
2nd prize – $100
3rd prize – $50
4th-20th – 50 FREE spins.

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Note: New player registration, bonuses and promotions 18+ ONLY. General casino TOS and bonus TOS apply!